It is the nature of creatives, artisans and social protagonists to be flexible and forward looking. Who better to adapt or inspire constructive societal change during this pandemic crisis?
Mark Abouzeid, presenter
From a casual support mechanism came “Walking out of Lockdown: What comes next?” podcast series, a collaboration by creative partners Mark Abouzeid and Sophie Beer, Real Lives NGO and freelancers, artists, artisans and social protagonists throughout Southern Europe and around the globe.
Walking out of Lockdown, Season 1: “What Comes Next”
Every week, Mark Abouzeid reaches out to freelancers, artisans, creatives, culture protagonists and everyday people on how they survived lockdown and what the ‘new normal’ means to them, personally and professionally. In an intimate conversation between friends, Abouzeid asks them about the future, what changes they will make to adapt and how they intend to rebuild.
Season 1 Episodes:
“On march 9, with the lockdown in Italy and travel bans around the world, our planned project in Amazonian Peru disappeared. As lockdown set in, we connected with our personal global network for support and an exchange of transformational ideas, including: online courses, long distance production collaborations, and spontaneous (zoom based) events.
We realised that our protagonists were already adapting to new ways of being creative while still empowering others. Moreover, this exchange between humanitarian, cultural and artistic activists was helping each of us find the solidarity that the Pandemic and social distancing had taken from us.”
Sophie Beer and Mark Abouzeid